This is one of the main reasons I didn't start an online journal sooner. I knew that it would be really easy to fall out of the routine. So I won't bother trying to reiterate everything that has happened since I last wrote. I'll highlight.

Hmmm. Work hit a low point on Friday. (The 2nd.) I guess my boss has been really down and stressed out because the weather has been so shitty and he's losing tons of money and he has debts, etc. So what better way to vent these feelings than to take it out on your employees? Blame it on the fact that they're making their small cones a little overweight, or they're calling their mothers too much on the phone. I won't bother going into detail since it's all so goddamn frustrating, but my boss has been being an uptight anal retentive fascist lately. Criticizing everyone for everything, never giving a word of encouragement. Making everyone hate him and their job. I was particularly fed up with it on Friday because he was being Graham (that's his name) X 10, and finally, just as I was going on my break, was couldn't take it anymore. He was on me because I was making my small cones too big. "Oh, you can't serve that," he said, majorly annoyed. "Here, I'll do it," he said, shoving in my way. He then proceeded to make small cones that were totally underweight. When I weighed them and protested this, he made some excuse about it. I sighed loudly and said, "I'm going on my break," and stormed off. Of course he wanted to talk to me, so I said he was treating me like I was stupid and incompetent, admonishing me for mistakes that I already knew, telling me what I did wrong when I knew perfectly well. Standing there watching me, just waiting for me to screw up. I said I didn't want to get into detail. Anyway, he said, well what do you expect me to do, just sit there and watch you screw up? I was upset, I said, and I would go on my break and we'd talk about it later. So I spent my break cooling off, reading Douglas Coupland. He spent it getting more angry. I worked for another hour after my break was over and then I was off. I stopped by his office on my way out.
"I'm sorry about my behaviour," I said to him. He looked at me and shook his head and said, "We need to talk." He took me into his office and reamed me out yet again, made me agree with everything he said, adding in the threat that I didn't have to be working there if he didn't like it whenever he could. I nodded and nodded and agreed quietly. I cried as soon as I left the store. I went home and cried for another half an hour. Arrrg.

We had my mom's side of the family over for dinner that night. It was nice. Patrick brought over Master of Orion and we played it. My grandmother gave me $20.

Needless to say I was not enthralled about working the next day. But I ended up working with Marly, and Graham went out, and Marly and I sat around and bitched about him the whole time. It was wonderfully therapeutic. I think that night I finished Girlfriend in a Coma. Arrrrg. (I've been saying that a lot.) What a bad ending to a great book. It didn't fit at all. In fact, after the initial end of the world, the whole plot got kinda screwy. I think he set out to do too much. He didn't achieve it. Oh yeah, and I watched Little Voice and Rushmore with my family. Rushmore was very bizarre but noticeably intelligent. raaaad soundtrack. parts of it were really good, but i really didn't understand other parts of it. The more I think back on it, the more I appreciate it. I think I'll need to watch it a second time. I really liked Little Voice, too. Again, the music was fantastic. And Ewan MacGregor adds a star to any movie rating. He's so good. All of the acting was good. There were some definite weak points but I really enjoyed it. The ending was so unexpected. Not a plot twist or anything, just much darker than I expected.

Sunday was still gloomy. I went to Patrick's and we wasted lots of time. We had a very yummy dinner at Me n Ed's and then rented Teletubbies and some foreign movie we never got around to watching. Monday was heaven. Bliss. I woke up after a decent sleep and it was actually sunny. Larissa, Nick and I went downtown and enjoyed every bit of it. We went CD shopping. We walked across the Granville Street Bridge to Zulu and then back over the Burrard Bridge to Otis (on Davie). It was windy and not too hot and everyone was out enjoying it. I was wearing the wrong shoes to do so much walking, and my feet became mangled, but that was ok. Oh, it was just wonderful wonderful wondeful. I bought the Jesus and Mary Chain's Psychocandy, the Rushmore soundtrack, Belle and Sebastian's This is Just a Modern Rock Song, and the Smiths' Hatful of Hollow. So far all seem to be winners. I'm unsure of Psychocandy, but already it's starting to grow on me.

Yesterday I worked and we spent much time bitching about Graham again. The weather started getting bad later in the day. By nighttime there were thunderstorms. I hung out with Patrick and Catherine Inkpen and her friend Erin and had no fun at all. Originally we intended to drive to White Pine Beach and go swimming, thunderstorms and all, but there was a rent-a-cop there. We tried to wait it out, but he showed no signs of leaving. So we drove up to Spani pool, where a cop was parked in the parking lot. We quickly turned around but he decided to pull us over anyway and search the vehicle. I couldn't believe it. It was my first time ever really encountering a police officer. It was so ludicrous. Police are here to stop people from murdering each other, not to pull over teenagers swimming at the pool after hours. And we had turned around. It was retarded. Everyone was pretty pissed off by then (particularly me... I have PMS but also I just don't understand Catherine or her life or her family and it frustrates me to no end... I'll explain some other time) so we just went to Sev and then drove home, it being about 1:30 by then.

Today I lounged around in my pyjamas till I had to work at 6 this evening. It was a nice evening. I was a bit clumsy today and I kept screwing things up, but I was working with such nice people it didn't matter. Jicky, who is 23 and has been working at DQ for 9 years, gave me a ride home. We talked about all the people at work. She's a really nice girl.

And, here I am. I ended up reiterating anyway.

I'm reading Deadeye Dick by Kurt Vonnegut right now. It's so typically his style. It's pretty good, but not outstanding or anything. Yet.

Good night.