For the less than five people who actually check up on my website, here is an update. Yowza!

I discovered something new that is wrong with me today. I was outside the Vancouver Public Library peddling communist propaganda, and the sun came out between glaring clouds, which is probably when it's at its worst and brightest. It hurt my eyes a lot, but I stuck with it, not having brought a hat or sunglasses. I took a break a while later and went into the library to use the washroom. When I got inside I realized that my vision was fucked up. Somewhere floating in the peripheral vision of my right eye was this flashing, floaty blurry thing that would not go away, even when I closed my eyes. This occasionally happens temporarily when I enter into bright sun out of a dark movie theatre or something. But this particular floaty thing was persistent. I went back outside and realized I couldn't entirely see the steps I was walking down, and I couldn't entirely read our placards that say things like "Defend the Palestinian People!" and "Break With The Pro-Imperialist NDP!" I started to get nervous. Why couldn't I see properly? Standing out in the sun for a little longer only made it worse - flashier and blurrier and bigger. So I went and sat in the shade with my eyes closed for ten minutes or so, and the blurriness gradually dissipated. So not only do I have a fucked up stomach that won't allow me to eat yummy spicy food or drink alcohol, not only do I get weird hangovers from eating certain preservatives, not only am I nearly blind and have to wear big thick glasses... and many other random physical ailments I've forgotten - I'm also apparently some sort of vampire. Perhaps soon I will no longer survive under any exposure to sunlight. Maybe I'm mutating. Maybe some parasitic life-form is slowly overtaking my biological functions, but hasn't yet encroached upon my brain. I guess when I go for my long-postponed optometrist's appointment to get a new prescription for my glasses (which I seriously need to do soon) I'll ask him about it. I doubt he knows much about alien parasites, though.

In other news, I am now officially going to Toronto for a week in August. YAY! Fun is guaranteed. I've heard there is much dancing in my future, which I'm pretty damn excited about. I love dancing, especially with hot communist indie-rock boys who like to dance to cool music, and there happens to be one of those on hand in Toronto. :) I also plan to check out clothes, though it's doubtful I can afford to buy any. I'll just try stuff on and be sad that I can't have it. When it comes down to it, I don't really care what we do when I'm there - as long as it involves hanging out with Jon. And sex - lots of that. Also with Jon.

The people upstairs are listening to a Muzak version of Chariots of Fire, with lots of synthesized flutes, and it's really not helping my headache in any way. Oy vey. I can't decide if it's better or worse than the usual Ozzy with the guy upstairs screaming along (out of tune) at the top of his lungs. Or hearing Everybody Knows by Leonard Cohen 17 times in the same day at full volume. The song itself isn't bad if you hear it a couple times a year, or even a couple times a month, but after the ninth time in one day, it's quite enough.

There's a mix CD at Starbucks that I put on every time I work. I'm gonna be very sad when it's phased out because we're entering a different promotional period, because I'm really into it right now. It's a mix of all the good Leonard Cohen, Simon and Garfunkel, Rufus Wainwright, Nick Drake, Jackson Browne, new New Order... oh my god, these flutes are getting really, really fucking bad. I bet she bought this album in the discount bin at Zellers. Celtic Flute Sounds or some shit. I'm gonna kill someone. Anyway, this CD at work has increased my work ethic manifold. I wonder if they were aware of the indie rock children that work at Starbucks and thus made a tape that would improve morale and productivity. I suppose I am easy to please. I wonder if striking Starbucks workers would ever demand for worker control over the musical apparatus. Now there's something to around which to form a bureaucratic faction.

I guess this is becoming esoteric for some of you. Sorry.

..... I think the flutes have ended! For now, at least. I guess I'll go and be productive, for now. There's not that much to write about anyway. Oh my fucking god, now they're listening to the Twin Peaks music! How can that possibly be? I've never heard anything decent emitted from my ceiling before. The Pope must have heard my prayers.

Oh yeah, the Pope, I should say something about that. Who fucking cares that the Pope is in Toronto? It's horrible; the front of the Globe and Mail today had a re-enactment of the crucifixion. This actor with fake spikes nailed through his wrists and feet, fake blood pouring from the wounds, a fake look of agony, wearing nothing but a loincloth. So fucking gross. And there's all these anti-abortionists demonstrating and shit. I can't wait until it's all over. I feel like I could be more articulately bitter about this, but I'm too lazy. I'm gonna go, instead.