Since I've become depressed, I've been getting more in touch with my goth-y side. I've still been listening to lots of Joy Division, and I'm obsessed with Buffy the Vampire Slayer. In fact, I think vampires are sexy and I want to make out (or have rough sex) with one. A specific one, actually - Spike, of course. And I've been staying up until 4am, brooding. I have the urge to get a long black coat that blows behind me in the darkness. Who knows how far I am from changing my name to something morbid ending in -a, writing awful poetry, drinking absinthe, and drawing tears on my face with black eyeliner? Larissa would be proud. (Just kidding.)

I don't know whether or not to joke about being depressed, because it's actually pretty horrible. I won't fill you in on the gory details. Just know that it's really fucking hard.