Happy day. I had a decent night's sleep even though I had stayed at Patrick's playing Final Fantasy 3 (what an awesome game) until midnight. It was mostly sunny today with lots of pollen in the air (therefore Sneezy Marlo) but again this was okay. I worked the usual day shift. We ordered pizza for lunch and I read National Geographic articles while I ate it on my break. It was enjoyable. I also had Still Ill by the Smiths stuck in my head, which was wonderful. I sang as I cleaned the Misty Machine and organized the front counter as well as other usually loathsome tasks. I've been going on another Smiths kick lately. I realllly want to buy Hatful of Hollow.

I looked up at the sky a lot as I walked home from the bus stop. Nobody else seems as fascinated with cloud shapes and patterns as I do. Belle and Sebastian were in my walkman. They are truly glorious. I can listen to Sleep the Clock Around, Space Boy Dream, and Dirty Dream Number Two over and over again and never tire of them. I need to make another tape with the EPs on it so I can enjoy them on my travels too. B&S are the best riding-the-bus-at-night (or at sunset) music.

Tomorrow I actually get a day off after 9 days in a row of work. I have to go to UBC and do my interview in order to get into Chinese 100. I don't mind too much. I really want to learn Chinese. I miss school.

I saw a customer who looked exactly like Andy Warhol when I was working yesterday. I have to remember to tell Larissa. I also have to remember to upload my collection of DQ stories. I should do that tonight.

Et je pense que c'est tout aujourd'hui.