I haven't been writing much in my journal because the things I've felt like writing about lately I don't really want to share with the public. Writing about what I really think about on here is pretty much impossible. So instead I post shallow updates and pictures of people.
I went to the Beautiful Music festival at the Sugar Refinery yesterday with Christopher, and we hung out with Lari and we even saw Patrick for a while. It was pretty fun, and p:ano sounded great. I haven't heard them play in years and I really enjoyed it.
Two pictures of me and Chris:
Oh yeah, and yesterday morning I went to Toren's annual Saturday Morning Cartoon Party, and it was so fucking awesome. I watched a whole bunch of really good cartoons I'd never seen before. Samurai Jack and Birdman, Attorney of Law were probably my favorite, but the lead guy in Battle of the Planets was pretty fucking cute (yes, he's a cartoon, but who cares) in a very androgynous way. And the episode of Powerpuff Girls we watched was hella rad. And the Star Trek and Superfriends cartoons were simply cheesy beyond words. I love the Superfriends. It was good to sit and watch cartoons with a bunch of sarcastic, intelligent adults who made funny comments every two minutes or so. And it was good to see Toren, who I probably haven't hung out with in about three years. I ate a big bowl cereal and milk, which was probably a bad idea because I think I'm lactose intolerant. By the end of the party I felt really gross and out of it.
Larissa made me some legwarmers which I've been kind of wearing as Loose Socks. She's offering to make them for other people for the price of the material. They're good.
I think I had an allergic reaction to Hot and Sour Soup today. Great. My throat is all itchy, and I was coughing embarassingly loud, a lot, in the restaurant. Aiya.