I saw Nick Manson out the bus window on the way home today. He is the most beautiful boy I have ever encountered. Every time I see him my heart stops. I mean, this was probably half a second or less, just a flash; a glimpse. And even then.

I saw Eyes Wide Shut with Mummy tonight at big ol' Silver City. Weeeeird movie. I loved the cult (or whatever it was) scenes. I was mesmerized during those parts, wished there was more of that and less of the other stuff. The music was fantastic. It was filmed wonderfully, but it was too slow. There were definite shortcomings, but overall I think I liked it. Nicole Kidman is damn cool.

I haven't seen Patrick in the past few days. Arrrg, sometimes that boy just infuriates me. He's 20 years old and unemployed... that doesn't bother me so much; he can do what he wants. But it's just that if he was anyone else, like if he grew up in my family, he couldn't get away with it. And he's always inviting me out to do things, and I can't because I have to work to earn money to pay tuition. And then he calls me and tells me what a fun time he had. No intentions of rubbing it in my face, of course. But I fucking hate my job and it's not fair that Patrick gets to go out and have fun all the time, with no one to answer to, with his mom to finance it. (Though she rarely does that anymore.) I dunno. I'm probably overreacting. But sometimes I need to vent.

I'm almost done the Phantom Menace book.

I'm too frustrated to have anything else of relevance to say. Oh, except that it's exactly a month till my birthday. Woooooooooooo.

Au revoir.