1. Full Name: Tynan.

2. Birthplace: Matsqui, Sumas, and Abbottsford

3. Nicknames: Ty-Ty, Ty, "Spart-boy"

4. Name Spelled backwards:

5. Sex: M

6. Grade: third year

7. School: University of British Columbia

8. Birthday: April 14, 1982.

9. The person who sent this to you's b-day: August 29, 1980

10.Favorite color or colours? Black, grey. Sometimes blue.

11. Vanilla or Regular Chocolate?: Regular.

12.Favorite color bra: black.

13.How long can you hold your breath?: Not long enough to be of service underwater.

14.Favorite food: Japanese. Soup.

16.Water or Coke: Coke

17. Favorite salad dressing: Oil and vinegar

18. Do you drink?: seldom.

19. Do you like fruit?: yes.

20. What car do you see yourself driving: something ugly, cheap, and functional.

21.Favorite Perfume or Cologne: none.

22. Favorite songs:
Resolution- John Coltrane
Seraphic Light- ditto
Straight Up and Down- Eric Dolphy
Country Town Blues- Ornette Coleman
Heartless Romatic- The Dears

23. Favorite Radio station: I hate them all.

24. Favorite Subjects in School: Finance.

25. Least Favorite Subjects in School: I loved school and all my teachers.

26. Favorite sport to play: Arguing.

27 Do you smoke?: no, and I've never even tried it.

28. Do you do drugs?: no

29. Have you ever gone skinny dipping?: no, I'm a freeze.

30. Favorite type of game to watch: Skateboarding.

31. What's your favorite room?: one where they serve coffee.

32. Rain or sun?: a mix.

33. Do you like oceans or mountains?: mountains.

34. Sweet or Sour: Sour.

36. Favorite thing to do: have sex. Read. Listen to music.

37. Shampoo or conditioner: I only condition my hair.

38. Best Friends: Mar-Mar.

39. Do you make fun of other people?: it's the sole source of my self-worth.

40. Have you ever been convicted of a crime?: no.

42. Pets?: I have none.

43. Favorite movie(s): the Lost Highway, To Live, Pi.

44.Favorite Actor/Actress:, Kyle McLaughlan, Edward Norton.

45. Hobbies: music, communism

46. Toothpaste: Arm and Hammer.

47. Online crush: I have no such crush.

48. Boyfriend or Girlfriend?: Marlo.

49. Do you get along with your parents?: enough.

50: Place to hang out: I used to hang out at Calhoun's because it's 24 hours, the decor is shitty, and I can focus on my books, but it's dark in there and now my eyes burn before I start to have fun. I have no place to hang out.

51.Favorite ice cream: almond tofulati.

52. Bedtime: anywhere between 2 and 7.

53. Adidas, Nike or Reebok: I don't believe in the trinity.

54. Most humiliating moment?: I am humiliating.

55.Funniest person you know: My dad, Marlo's dad, old men in general.

56. Favorite Holiday: Saturday.

57. Do you attend a church regularly? : no, religion makes me stupid.

58. What do you look for in the opposite sex?: the same thing I look for in my own sex.

59. Favorite quote: The capitalist bourgeois calculates: 'while I have in my hands lands, factories, workshops, banks; while I possess newspapers, universities, schools; while--and this most important of all--I retain control of the army: the apparatus of democracy, however, you reconstruct it, will remain obedient to my will. I subordinate to my interests spiritually the stupid, conservative, characterless lower middle class, just as it is sujected to me materially. I oppress, and will oppress , its imagination by the gigantic scale of my buildings, my transactions, my plans, and my crimes. For moments when it is dissatisfied and murmurs, I have created scores of safety-valves and lightning-conductors. At the right moment I will bring into existence opposition parties, which will disappear to-morrow, but which to-day accomplish their mission by affording the possibility of the lower middle class expressing their indignation without hurt therefrom for capitalism. I shall hold the masses of the people, under cover of compulsory general education, on the verge of complete ignorance, giving them no opportunity of rising above the level which my experts in spiritual slavery consider safe. I will corrupt, deceive, and terrorize the more privileged or the more backward of the proletariat itself. By means of these measures, I shall not allow the vanguard of the working class to gain the ear of the majority of the working class, while the necessary weapons of mastery and terrorism remain in my hands.' L D Trotsky, Terrorism and Communism.

60. Can you swim?: yes.

61. Do you like to swim? no.
62. Favorite Cartoon:? Daria. I have a big crush on Daria.

63. Do you have an accent?: I'm waspy and sometimes I talk like a skater.

64. Do you have job?: no, I between jobs. You?

65. Do you prefer Swimming in pools or oceans? : probably lakes.

66. Pencil or pen?: Mechanical pencil.

67. Who's better boys or girls: girls.

68. Do you sing in the shower? : yes.

69. Who's the best looking person you know?: Daria. She's my friend.

70. The best way to die?: Getting scooped up by a water-bombing airplane while snorkling in a lake and getting dropped to your death on a burning forest.

71. What age do you want to die? I don't.

72. When do you think you are going to die?: probably 85.

73. Have you ever called a "dirty" 800 number?: no, and neither have you. They're 900 numbers. Are you Christian?

74. Gold or silver?: i don't know or care.

75. Would you ever Bungee Jump? : no.

76. Do you enjoy reading?: no more than I enjoy living.

77. Do you watch TGIF? : no.

78. What was the last movie you saw?: Mulholland Drive.

79. Do you sleep with a stuffed animal?: no.

80. Ever met anyone from online? : no, something about the internet makes me insufferably arrogant.

81. What is your sign? : rear-entry.

82. What movie do you really want to see? Strike.

83. What are your personality traits?: Loud, sarcastic, ardent, analytical.

84. What is your biggest wish?: wishes are for chumps.

85. What's your biggest fear? torture.

86. Who are your favorite people?: dead musicians.

87. Are you an optimist or pessimist? : depends on whether conditions warrant a positive or negative outcome.

88. Would you ever have cosmetic surgery?: probably not.

89. Do you like to dance? : only with my ass, and a bit of shoulders.

90. What do you think of people who drink? : I go to church every Sunday and think anyone who touches alcohol should either grovel for love and forgiveness or go to hell. You?

91. People who do drugs? : ...

92. What do you think of people who smoke? : I scoff at you for not trying any of these things.

93.Better to cry or laugh?: not to laugh, or to cry, but to understand. Something along the lines of what Spinoza said.

94. Do you think men and women can ever just be friends? : Yes, for instance, Marlo and I were making it as fuck buddies.

95. Which movies have you cried at?: Terminator 2... who didn't?