Here's tynan's profile. Pictures follow. He's cute.

Left to right: Tynan's holding up the Starbucks mug I got for free because some woman broke her nail trying to open it and brought it back. Wooo. I gave it to him since he's a much bigger addict than I, and he made a label for it that says, "coffee now, dammit." I'm pretty sure he didn't come up with that himself. The other one is one of my favorite pictures of him, and he's sitting in one of my favourite places in Vancouver: Fritz, a place that sells fries on Davie street. And not just any fries. Fritz fries with garlic mayo = nectar of the gods. The next one is in his old room in Totem Park. Ah, memories... residence relationships are great fun. He lived on the floor below me.

Sleeping, on my computer in parents' house, and in his old residence room again.

Thanks for the use of your webcam, Adrian.
